Manual Import Certificate Android 6

This does not work with Firefox!


Androids credential store

Android uses a credential store. This is a special store which stores certificates.

In order to install a certificate on Android you need to have a display lock. This display lock needs to be in place before or at the beginning of the installation of a certificate.

You can set up a display lock under Bildschirmsperre -> Bildschirmsicherheit -> Bildschirmsperre einrichten

You can find the credential store under: Einstellungen -> Sicherheit -> Anmeldeinformationsspeicher

The installed certificates can be found under: Einstellungen -> Sicherheit -> Vertrauenswürde Anmeldedaten

It is not possible to remove the display lock while you have a certificate installed on the device.


Connect to "ITMC-GAST".

Das Netzwerk ITMC-Gast auswählen

Android will inform you that the network is not encrypted. Click"Verbinden".


Visit . Download the certificate "Wurzelzertifikat(T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2)".

Ein Screenshot der PKI Seite der TU Dortmund, auf dieser ist der Link zum Wurzelzertifikat der deutschen Telekom markiert.

If the installation fails you have to navigate to the download folder of your device and install telesec.crt from there. Name the certificate "Telesec" and set "Wi-Fi" under "Verwendung für die Anmeldedaten" . 

Click OK.



If this is the first time you install a certificate and you do not have a display lock set up yet, the device will order you to set up a display lock.

A display lock is not optional! Without a display lock you can not install a certificate under Android 6.


Screenshot Installation Zertifikat abgeschlossen

You can continue configuring eduroam from here.



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