Prüfung organisieren
Organize exams
Most matters relating to examinations are dealt with by the Central Examination Office. This includes registering and deregistering for exams, creating grade reports and certificates, BOSS activation, etc.
There is a lot to do and consider when organizing an exam at TU Dortmund University. Some important aspects are listed below.
Organizational steps
Law aspects
External information material
- HFD Blickpunkt Digitale Prüfungen. Wandel der Prüfungskultur
- HFD Whitepaper Digitale Prüfungen in der Hochschule. Konzepte, Begrifflichkeiten, didaktische, technische und organisatorische Dimensionen
- LDI NRW Handreichung Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit für Online-Prüfungen an Hochschulen
Contact for exam organization