Legal Informations
- IT
- UniAccount
- Activation
- Legal Informations
Legal Informations
- In general, the regulations of the corresponding laws must be observed, in particular the Data Protection Act and the Telecommunications Act.
- The use of the UniAccount is regulated by the Usage Regulations of the IT & Medien Centrum [Benutzungsordnung]. Unless individual points are described in detail, these shall apply analogously in problem cases.
- The retention duration of emails and the mailbox is determined by organizational rules which are defined by the University.
Instructions for Use
- Logging in to the network (login) is only allowed under the own user name (account). After the end of the session, the session must be completed properly (exit the program, log out).
Workstations at which a user has registered in the network and which are also accessible to other persons, e.g. in pools, should never be left unattended during the duration of a registered session. - The information provided on the Internet cannot be subjected to any internal selection due to the nature of the dissemination. They originate from sources distributed throughout the world and are disseminated through technical processes which are not content-related.
- The University is in no respect responsible for the content of the information provided through its Internet access. Should anyone be injured, degraded or otherwise affected by such information, he/she must clarify this fact with the author of the information.
- If Information is sent on the Internet, this is done under the domain / sender of the University. Any transmitted information can therefore be directly or indirectly linked to the University by the general public of the Internet users and operators. It is therefore prohibited to use the Internet access to disseminate information that is likely to harm the reputation of the institution in any way. This applies in particular to racist, defamatory, abusive, or otherwise offensive messages that violate existing laws.
- Contractual relationships (e.g. ordering items via the Internet or using paid services on the Internet) may only be received or used by the client at the expense of and for the account of the private individual. The University is free from any obligation and assumes no responsibility.
- The entire data transfer is handled via the scientific network. To keep costs low, avoid causing any unnecessary data transfer.
Information on Data Protection and Data Security
- All data on the ITMC servers (including personal data) are subject to the access of the responsible ITMC administrators if this is deemed necessary.
- The ITMC endeavors to adequately protect the data stored on the servers against unauthorized access by third parties. Any further legal claim by the users against the ITMC regarding the protection of their data in the network against unauthorized access is excluded.
- The confidentiality of data transmitted via the Internet cannot be guaranteed in any respect. The transmission of information on the Internet is therefore equivalent to public communication.
In the case of misuse, depending on the circumstances, the provisions of the Usage Regulations (§15) shall apply. The ITMC reserves the right to block the use without delay.
In the course of activating the UniAccount you must explicitly confirm that you acknowledge these regulations and will comply with them. Without this confirmation, your UniAccount will not be activated!