Successor to Sophos boot CD

Sophos Scan & Clean / alternative C't-Desinfect

The Sophos boot CD has been replaced by the new product "Sophos Scan & Clean", which, however, now offers virus scanning without a boot CD.

Note: A scan for malware with a boot stick can be performed with C't-Desinfect, for example. More on this below.

Download the free program versions

During the download you will be asked for your data.

Execute the program

When using it, you should be careful not to upload unknown files to the Sophos cloud, or to do this only with files that do not contain personal data, e.g. only exe or dll files.

Therefore, it is recommended to first run a scan with the cloud feature turned off. How to do this is explained below:

  1. Select "Einstellungen"

  2. Disable the selection "Unbekannte verdächtige Dateien in die Scan-Cloud hochladen".

  3. Select "OK" and then "weiter" to start the scanning process.
  4. If there are exe and dll files in the result list, you can now also subject them to a cloud scan manually or en bloc. Note, however, that in such a case third parties will have access to these files. Do not upload any files to the scan cloud that contain personal data or are the subject of current research.

  5. Select "Logdatei speichern" and submit the scan result to the sic of the ITMC ( for interpretation.

  6. You can then close the program.

Alternative with a boot stick (C't-Desinfect)

An equally thorough scan for malware with a boot stick can also be performed with the C't-Desinfect software, for example.

Obtaining the latest version (fee required)



0231 755-2444
Otto-Hahn-Str. 12

Service catalogue (only German)

Related links

Extensive documentation exists for Sophos.

Find out about new viruses at Sophos.

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